Building Bridges: Cornell Club of Switzerland Connects with Erin Kelly, Director of International Alumni Relations

The Cornell Club of Switzerland welcomed Erin Kelly, the new Director of International Alumni Relations for Alumni Affairs and Development (AAD) at Cornell University.

This past September, Erin stopped in Zurich, Switzerland during her “European Tour” where she visited various countries and met with Cornell club leaders and alumni.

Erin took over her new role this past July 2023. In her role, Erin works with thousands of volunteers to support Cornell-centered communities: graduation classes, regional clubs, diverse communities, and affinity groups.

In addition, Erin also supports established alumni boards. A small group of Cornell Club of Switzerland representatives met with Erin over a delicious meal. We discussed how Cornell University can support the Club’s efforts to reach alumni in Switzerland and get them involved in our community.

We would like to thank Erin for including us in her trip to Europe. We look forward to welcoming Erin again in Switzerland in the near future, hopefully during one of our fabulous events!

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